About Us

Universal Concepts publishes books related to spirituality, religion and inspiration. Many more headings can be used, but those give you the primary direction of our company.

We found with the first book published that there was a need to provide supplemental material just as textbook publishers publish associated workbooks and study guides, we too, published the Progress Journal which could be considered a personal journal or diary of sorts.  The other items began to be added and we found there were many supplemental items, some rather essential and others simply appealing and comforting. The website began life as a store not only for the authors books but also for supporting documents and workbooks, reference guides etc., and other associated products as well.

We are pleased to support our authors by not only providing a venue to sell their books, but also sell their supporting documentation and products.  We hope you find the books and other products of great value. As we continue to grow, we hope to provide readers with a vast amount of books and products of an inspirational nature. If you are an author of this genre, please visit our Authors page to learn how you can have your books and associated materials placed for sale on our website. Happy shopping!

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